retribucion flexible seguro medico

The keys to the training benefit within your Flexible Remuneration Plan

Know all the details of the training benefit

Improving the purchasing power of your employees is at your fingertips, whether you are a large or small company. Betting on a flexible compensation plan with benefits such as training translates into more satisfied employees and a greater ability to attract and retain talent.

¡El beneficio con el que ganan todos!

For the company, it has a direct impact on the income statement, since it is a product that is 100% deductible from Corporation Tax. In addition, to obtain professionals who recycle their knowledge and are able to better adapt to a constantly changing environment.

Training brings well-being and happiness to the worker, since it enhances the feeling of personal fulfillment. It also represents significant savings, especially in higher cost training courses, where savings can exceed 25%.

Thanks to Flexoh the worker can request this benefit easily and quickly from the web platform or the mobile application.