retribucion flexible seguro medico

The keys to Corporate Shares within your Flexible Remuneration Plan

Know all the details of the corporate shares benefit

Improving the purchasing power of your employees is at your fingertips. If you are a large publicly traded company, betting on a flexible compensation plan that includes equity participation translates into greater talent retention.

¿Quieres aumentar el compromiso de tu plantilla y su sentido de pertenencia a la empresa? Nada más eficaz que la participación accionarial. Incrementa la productividad de los empleados compartiendo los éxitos y facilita otra forma de ahorrar a través de este beneficio.

The company must take into account some factors so that this benefit is exempt from taxation: the share must be free or with a lower price than the market price, the annual exempt limit is 12,000 euros per year, it must be offered to the entire workforce (no to a specific group), the participation must not exceed 5% and the ownership must be maintained for at least 3 years.

Thanks to Flexoh the worker can access this benefit from any device, see in our simulator how much is saved, check their history and much more.